It was with much amusement that the state of Goa and the resident of the capital city received the news that not one, but two saplings of the cannabis plant were found growing in the freshly landscaped gardens of Panaji. It is not known how the plants landed there, and whether or not they are there accidentally, but from everything we know so far, it appears that this move is nothing more than a prank being played by a mischievous character in a bid to have some practical fun and watch the authorities go on a wild goose chase. In all honesty, the way the police reacted to the case, one could be forgiven for assuming that they had chanced upon a large haul of a banned substance. As a society we should not take ourselves too seriously and a bit of humour is always welcome without making a big deal, much less a criminal case out of what appears to be a harmless prank. The police would be better served tackling serious drugs like cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine, LSD, ecstasy, etc. and let the pranksters have their day in the sun.