Thursday 06 Feb 2025

Time for power dept to clear up unused electrical cables

SRIDHAR D'IYER, Caranzalem | FEBRUARY 05, 2025, 08:45 PM IST

The electricity department (ED) has taken a strong stand to remove the bunched cables from its electricity poles. The cables belong to operators of internet service providers and cable TVs who have been using the poles with and without permission and with and without paying the required fees to the ED. This was long due and necessary to spruce up Panaji city and other towns. The cables hinder the ED’s maintenance work and could also result in untoward incidents.   Now it is time for the ED to put its house in order by removing unused electrical cables and neatly tying up the loosely hanging cables and wires at the various places in the State. Hope the ED does the needful prior to the onset of monsoon since that is the time the cables get loosened due to wind and rain. The dangling and swinging cables (either live or otherwise) are dangerous to motorists while those fallen on the roads are hazardous to the pedestrians. 

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