Tuesday 17 Sep 2024

Transport dept must rein in buses playing loud music


People living along the coastal belt have time and again complained about the loud music being played in restaurants and clubs after 10 pm. This has brought the people on the streets in protest against the noise pollution. Be that as it may, loud music is also being played in most city buses in the state which is of nuisance value. Pleas from commuters to stop the music or play it at low volume falls on deaf ears. People are tired after a day's work and want to travel peacefully while some of them take a short nap. Some even meditate while travelling by public transport. Bus commuters are in various states of mind. They could be sad as they pay a visit to a sick person or on the way to attend a funeral. School children answering exams do not wish to be disturbed by loud music. Bus drivers could also be distracted by the loud music leading to accidents. The travelling public are looking for effective action by the Transport Department to rein in most of the private buses that play songs at high decibels.


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