Thursday 19 Sep 2024

Urgent appeal for road repairs in Vasco

Inacio Fernandes, Alto Dabolim | JUNE 30, 2024, 01:25 AM IST

As a concerned citizen of Goa, I am compelled to draw attention to a pressing road safety issue in Vasco. A significant depression has formed in front of Goa Shipyard Limited (GSL), and deep trenches have emerged on the stretch of road from Hiralal to the MPT Institute. These conditions pose severe hazards to motorists and pedestrians alike. The depression in front of GSL is particularly concerning. During the monsoon season, it fills with water, making it difficult for drivers to gauge its depth and avoid potential accidents. This area, frequented by heavy vehicles and daily commuters, is a ticking time bomb for a serious mishap.

Similarly, the road from Hiralal to the MPT Institute is riddled with deep trenches that jeopardise the safety of all road users. These trenches threaten the structural integrity of the road and pose a high risk of causing severe injuries or fatalities if not addressed immediately. I urge the Public Works Department (PWD) and Goa Shipyard Limited to collaborate and take swift action to fill the depression in front of GSL. Immediate intervention is crucial to prevent potential casualties and ensure the safety of everyone using this route. 

Furthermore, I request the PWD to independently address the deep trenches from Hiralal to the MPT Institute. This issue demands urgent attention to avert any unfortunate incidents. The citizens trust in the commitment of our public authorities to ensure road safety. We hope this matter will be treated with the urgency it deserves, safeguarding the well-being of all road users in the area.

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