Tuesday 17 Sep 2024

We remain indebted to our teachers for their guidance

AIRES RODRIGUES, London | SEPTEMBER 05, 2024, 11:58 PM IST

India observes Teachers day on September 5. In some countries including United Kingdom and Canada it's on October 5 while other countries have different dates. Not just on Teacher's day, but it's every day that we need to remember our dear teachers for the role they play in shaping our future. Great teachers can make a big difference in our lives, for besides making a lasting impression in the classroom they can cast a very positive influence on our life. Our teachers are more than mere educators. They also play that vital role as a dear friend, counsellor and mentor.  Great teachers inspire and challenge us to carve out our right path in life.  Ever so humbly, we should always remain heavily beholden to all our dear teachers who imparted to us all their invaluable knowledge and guidance that has immensely helped us in life.  To them all, ever so indebted and grateful, we should always be. Thank you teachers, for spending your time and effort in your noble profession to bring out the best in all of us.


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