How far apart does Globalisation take a Goan?

Adv Moses Pinto | APRIL 13, 2024, 12:39 AM IST

As I walk through terminals of hope and the international airports begin to represent the hopes of people vying to endure a more fulfilling life, that with every calculated step they take onto the flight of an over changing destiny, they begin to see the promise of a more wholesome and rewarding utllisation of their respective lifespans unfurl before their anxious eyes, as visions of the past turbulences dwindle, wiping away the plaque of ancestral propriety and even dissipating the calling to faith by divnity, that just as the little dreams of engaging one’s time into perplexing yet rewarding scenarios engulfs the mind’s entire universe of thoughts into a blanketing satiation, merely on the grounds of exploiting a better appropriation of the age old trap of materialistic possession convoluting the hopes of man into the gradual sacrifice of their own identities.

Does a life abroad really manage to enthrall the limited senselessness that revellery may generate momentarily, when in fact the clamouring reality of an irresponsible candour which tempts to shred the demeanour of complacency is infact the key to survival in the harshness of circumstance that unsheaths its true face of realistic exploitation as every calculation of resourcefulness is but a simplistic triumph against the dearth which follows the establishing of mores and values into the realm of belonging to a certain place in a specified time, thus the physical cultivation of serenity shall consistently be superlative to the heart’s original calling.

Doesn’t one only begin to see the futility of keeping two uniquely parallel purposes alive as can be easily witnessed when familial ties of man gradually subside in the very ancestral village where their memories of upbringing collide with their quest for a greater self-determination, owing to their real dedication to the self awareness of their own capabilities optimistically.

According to Paula M. Caligiuri in her research article entitled: ASSESSING EXPATRIATE SUCCESS: BEYOND JUST “BEING THERE” (1997):

“The three most common criteria found in studies of expatriate success have been: (1) completion of the foreign assignment, (2) cross-cultural adjustment while on assignment, and (3) performance on the foreign assignment.”

Paula (1997) after having used confirmatory factor analysis, was able to theorise the result that supported her hypothesis that the three criteria, while often treated as a unitary construct, were in fact separate constructs. 

According to Nour R. El Amine Rosalía Cascón-Pereira (2023) in their study titled: What does expatriate success mean? Developing a comprehensive definition through a systematic literature review.

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“Despite being one of the most used dependent variables in expatriate management research, no clear-cut understanding exists of what expatriate success means.”

El Amine and Cascón-Pereira (2023) further clarified that according to the dictionary, success is “the fact that an individual has achieved something they want and have been trying to do or get” (Oxford University, 2022).

El Amine and Cascón-Pereira (2023) have delinated that: “the second and most extended conception of expatriate success has been an adjustment-defined as the extent to which expatriates are comfortable living abroad (e.g. Black, 1990; Black and Gregersen, 1991)– to the new assignment and environmental context.”

Hence, when Goans migrate abroad for inordinately prolonged periods of time: Can the variables of their goals having met the true purpose in life be determined by the pride that expatriates feel in being able to demonstrate their spending capacity in foreign currencies?

And how can Goan origin expatriates effectively repatriate the forgotten respect that their Goan neighbours no longer harbour in their evaluation of the Goan expat who migrated abroad because they could not endure the rigours of their home’s circumstances.

The most abject consideration would invariably have to be the debt every global Goan faces for the intermittent intervals in their contribution to the Goan community in its original state and circumstance. 

Moreover, according to Nour R. El Amine Rosalía Cascón-Pereira (2023): previous “studies included do not investigate different kinds of expatriates, such as flex-patriates, short-term assignees, international commuters, business travellers and non-traditional and minority expatriates.”. 

While the western civilisation has evidently been opportunistic in skimming the most talented layer of Goans from the State of Goa by offering transferable citizenship through simplified immigration policies, the Goans many a times fail to realise that they have merely fallen prey to contemporary Colonial exploitation where they are the drones and their talents and capabilities are the precious jewels which serve the colonist’s Kingdom of in the present time.

McDonald and Hite (2008) had forewarned that capitalising on relevant considerations could foster a sense of loyalty and commitment among the expatriates particularly when they realise that their organisations were concerned with the expatriates’ perceptions and expectations of success, as opposed to just the organisational goals, which aligned with the move toward protean and boundaryless career models.

Lastly, in catapulting the discussion towards a conciliatory approach, the state’s endeavour to resolve and repair the identity conflict which Goans face upon their return to Goa from their long sojourns in various other countries, there ought to be a conscious approach to recognise, acknowledge and assimilate the returnee Goans as they try to integrate into their once unitary homeland.

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