There seemed no love lost between Chief Minister Pramodbab Sawant and Goa Forward chief Vijaibab Sardesai after the Fatorda MLA attacked the CM on “jobs-for-cash” scam and the CM retaliating by raking up the “Fatorda-London” investment scam. The Goa Forward chief, however, seemed to have had his way on the development front, thanks to Goa State Urban Development Agency (GSUDA) headed by Minister Vishwajitbab Rane and the Margao Municipal Council controlled by Congress-turned-BJP MLA Diggu. For, Vijaibab not only proposed a host of projects under GSUDA, but got them disposed of by the Margao Municipal Council. Happy New Year!
Margao BJP councillors spar over ‘sleep mode’ comment
Is the BJP government on a “sleep mode” was a subject matter of debate when two BJP-ruled Margao Municipal councillors were locked in a spat at the Margao Municipal Council meeting. During discussion on some issues, Goa Forward-turned-BJP councillor Rajubab Naik, inadvertently or otherwise, made a remark that the government is sleeping. Senior BJP councillor Sadanandbab Naik took strong exception to the “sleep mode” remark, insisting that development seen in both Margao and Fatorda has been ushered by the BJP-led government. It’s a sheer coincidence the two councillors had made a strong case for jobs for their kith and kin when the BJP formed the Council in 2022. Any questions?
AAP leader’s 2027 Cabinet prediction raises eyebrows
What exactly did Aam Aadmi Party leader Amitbab Palekar meant to say when he thundered that party MLAs Venzybab Viegas and Cruzbab Silva will be Cabinet Ministers in 2027? Amitbab even went to the extent of saying he too may find a Cabinet berth in 2027. For a moment, guests attending Velim AAP MLA Cruzbab Silva’s birthday tried to figure out which government the AAP Goa chief was talking about – a full-fledged AAP government ruling Goa in 2027 or a government formed by non-BJP parties. Interesting, isn’t it when the Opposition alliance has come under strain.
Oppn leader renews calls to end Cuncolim IDC pollution
On New Year’s Day, Opposition Leader Yuribab Alemao renewed his demand to the government to put an end to pollution at the Cuncolim Industrial Estate. Political leaders, however, have been trying to figure out when Yuribab sought to alert Cuncolkars that a second fish meal plant is coming up at the Cuncolim Industrial Estate. In fact, questions are raised in political circles who has proposed the new fish meal plant at Cuncolim and whether it has got the government sanction when Cuncolkars had a bitter experience with the existing fish meal plant. Many a question indeed remains unanswered.
Whodunit? Debate over proposal for cafeteria in MMC garden
Guess who’s the chief architect behind Margao Municipal Council’s proposal to set up a cafeteria inside the iconic Municipal garden? Well, this question is a subject matter of debate amongst Madgavkars as they tried to figure out whether the “Hidden Hand” was back again to push the cafeteria proposal. It is not out of place to mention that the hidden hand was the brain behind the controversial restaurant proposal atop the proposed multi-level parking lot before it was shelved after public outcry. Any questions?