Goa State Tennis Association returns back National Games surplus funds to SAG

Over 14 lakhs returned back to SAG after spending over 19 lakhs on equipment, residential camp and other expenses for the 2023 Games hosted by Goa

ARMSTRONG VAZ | JULY 30, 2024, 01:06 AM IST


Goa State Tennis Association (GSTA), the body controlling the game in the state, has in an unprecedented move handed over the surplus funds of National Games which were lying with them back to the Sports Authority of Goa, which is under the Goa Government’s sports ministry.

“Enclosed kindly find our submissions regarding expenses, equipment and residential camp for the 37th National Games,” stated a letter dated March 15 2024 from GSTA, signed by its outgoing President Nathan Chowgule and Rajendra Godinho which was .

“The total receipts were Rs. 33,51,600, whereas total expenses was 19,24,611. As such, Rs.14,26,989 is to be refunded to you. Details of the expenditure is enclosed. Kindly verify our expenses and confirm the same so that we may refund the amount due to you.

The newly elected president Sameer Kakodkar confirmed that a refund cheque has been given to SAG.

“We were sanctioned a very big amount for the National Games. We utilised the funds and provided equipment to the players and paid our Goan coaches and other expenses for conducting the coaching camp,” said Kakodkar.

“The camp funds were under-utilised as the camp duration got curtailed due to SAG last minute diktat to submit the teams. President Nathan Chowgule and me as Vice-President felt that the funds needed to be used as intended (for the National Games),” added Kakodkar while explaining the reason behind the refund of funds back to SAG.

“The credit goes to our President Nathan Chowgule as he had been appointed as the Chairman of the Internal committee by GSTA to overlook the camp,” he added.

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