Prayank Gaonkar, a talented young chess player from Goa, has made a significant mark by winning the silver medal at the 37th U-7 National Chess Championship held in Mysore. This prestigious tournament organized by the Karnataka Chess Association on behalf of the All India Chess Federation from September 1 to 5, saw Prayank showcase his exceptional skills.
Despite a loss in the second round, Prayank exhibited remarkable resilience and skill, winning all subsequent rounds to secure second place overall. His final victory against Kavin Velavan from Tamil Nadu was a notable highlight. The tournament saw Devanarayanan Kalliyath of Kerala take the gold medal with an unbeaten record, while Aaradhyo Guin of West Bengal claimed the bronze with 7.5 points.
In a commendable performance, Prayank Gaonkar won against notable players such as Agaarth Mishra and Ayansh Singh in the seventh round, demonstrating his ability to compete effectively against a range of opponents. His success in this championship resulted in a gain of 65 ELO points.
At just 7 years old, Prayank is a student of Manovikas English Medium School in Margao and is currently in the second standard. His victory has earned him a place as India's representative in the upcoming Under-8 Asian and World Chess Championships in 2025.
The 37th National U-7 Open and Girls Chess Championship 2024 concluded with a grand ceremony, featuring 382 young chess players from 28 states, all displaying impressive talent and sportsmanship.
The President of the Goa Chess Association, Mahesh Candolkar, Secretary Ashesh Keni, and other office-bearers extended their congratulations to Prayank Gaonkar on his maiden national victory.
Goa Chess Association, Secretary Ashesh Keni and Damodar Zambaulikar, Vice President of Salcete Taluka Chess Association, Chess Guru Academy Prakash Singh and Coach Suraj along with parents Pradeep Gaonkar and Priyanka Gaonkar welcomed Silver medalist Prayank Gaonkar.