Will Goa Cycling Association meet SAG's Sept 30 deadline?

Deadline over information and documents asked about National Games 2023 funds issue



Will the ongoing National Games 2023 inflated bills issue at Goa Cycling Association (CAG) in any way hamper efforts by Secretary General N G Akhargekar of CAG to furnish the financial details which Sports Authority of Goa (SAG) has sought from a number of sports associations which got funding towards the multi-disciplined Games hosted by Goa from October to November last year.

In a letter dated 29th August, under the subject ‘Submission of documents of the Residential Coaching Camp, Day Coaching Camp and procurement of equipment for the 37th National Games, 2023.’ Addressed to the Secretary General, SAG has asked the Cycling association to submit details before September 30.

“The Sports Authority of Goa had sanctioned Rs. 28,77,000/-, towards conduct of Residential Coaching Camp and Rs. 56,71,972/-, towards the procurement of equipment for 37th National Games, 2023. Despite multiple reminders to your association, you have failed to submit the required documents and settle the accounts. You may please note that, the expenditure is required to be accounted for and the bills are required to be settled in time bound manner as per the relevant rules,” says the letter signed by Dr. Geeta S. Nagvenkar Executive Director.

“You are therefore directed to submit the required documents pertaining to the Residential coaching camp and procurement of equipment to this Authority along with the requisite bills, vouchers, audited statements of accounts and refund the unutilized amount if any latest by 30th September, 2024,” it adds.

“The sanctioned amount being public money, all relevant rules for utilization of public money are applicable and in the event of your failure to comply with these directions; it may be noted that,” the letter says.

The letter also warns of strict action if the required information is not furnished

“No further claim of balance grant shall be entertained. Request for sanction of any pending grants or future grants shall not be entertained at any cost.”

The letter also warns of legal action against the association and its office bearers.

“The amount sanctioned and disbursed to your association shall be recovered under the relevant provision of law and the office bearers of your association shall be held personally liable for non-compliance of these directions.”

“Further, you are also directed to intimate in writing to this Authority whether any Day camp was conducted and incase such camp was conducted, then documentary evidence concerned with conduct of such Day Camp must be submitted before 30th September 2024, failing which no further claim will be accepted. It may also be noted that the amount disbursed shall not be adjusted towards any pending or future grants to the Association.”

Incidentally the CAG is caught in a centre of controversy surrounding inflated bills to the tune of over Rs.14 lakhs with three officials including its President Nitish Kerkar, Viplav Bhakta (Treasurer) and Placid Fernandes (Joint Secretary) have been mentioned in complains made to various agencies including the police.

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