Bob's Banter: Strong and weak leaders..!

Robert Clements | JULY 20, 2024, 11:45 PM IST

What kind of a leader are you? A weak one or a strong one?

Weak leaders are blind to any current situation. They solve the wrong problems in the wrong way. Good leaders understand what is happening. They size up the issue, and act at the proper time.

Weak leaders discourage others. Good leaders encourage. They give credit when things go well and take responsibility when they don't go well. Alabama football coach "Bear" Bryant was once asked how he inspired his players. He responded, "Well, I've learned a few things about getting people to do what you want them to do. When things go wrong, I did it. When things go semi-good, we did it. And when things go good, you did it. That's all it takes to hold a team together and win football games." Weak leaders know it all. They already have the answers. Good leaders keep learning. They constantly improve their skills. The best leaders are perpetual learners.

Weak leaders never make courageous decisions for fear of failing. They prefer to keep things as they are, even if the system is not working all that well. Good leaders, however, will often go where there is no path and leave a trail. They are sure of their direction and they act boldly.

Weak leaders keep others in their place. They remind them who is boss. Good leaders know that authority is more earned than granted. A young Army officer found that he did not have the correct change for a soft drink vending machine. Noticing a subordinate nearby, he said, "Private, do you have change for a dollar?" Cheerfully, the man said, "I think so - let me look." "That is no way to address your superior, soldier!" scolded the officer. "Now, let's try it again. Private, do you have change for a dollar?" The soldier snapped to attention, saluted and said, "NO, SIR!"

Weak leaders delegate poorly. They micro-manage and control. Good leaders identify the gifts, strengths and limitations of those they lead. They assign, train, encourage and then get out of the way.

Weak leaders when seeing those below them succeed, feel threatened. Good leaders, on the other hand, help their subordinates find success. They give a hand up. They realise that when one is lifted to another's shoulders, both stand taller.

Weak leaders ask others to do what they are not willing to do themselves. Good leaders always lead by example.

Weak leaders motivate by force. Good leaders understand that people respond best to positive incentive. They know that people who believe in themselves will do more work and better work.

Finally, weak leaders do not listen to those they lead whereas good leaders listen and learn.

By now you know what kind of leadership we have in our country and also what kind of a leader you are..!

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