Saturday 28 Sep 2024

Family Financial Vacation: Bringing prosperity to parenting!

Priyanka Acharya | JULY 29, 2024, 01:16 AM IST

In today’s fast-paced world, teaching financial discipline to children is more crucial than ever. Indian families often face a unique set of challenges and opportunities, making it essential to start financial education early. By understanding basic concepts like savings, inflation, insurance, investments, and financial processes, children can develop a strong foundation for managing money wisely.

Importance of Savings

Savings form the foundation of financial stability. In many Indian families, the tradition of saving is deeply ingrained, yet children may not understand its significance. A simple way to teach children about savings is through the concept of a piggy bank. Parents can encourage their children to set aside a portion of their pocket money or gifts they receive for special occasions. For instance, if a child gets Rs 100 for their birthday, they could save Rs 20 in their piggy bank. Few years ago, everything the child got was parked in a piggy bank - now is the time to teach them balancing! Let’s take them to the supermarket along or let them scroll quick commerce app and fill their own grocery basket! Give them a budget in advance. The child will beautifully learn “prioritising”! 

This practice not only helps children appreciate the value of money but also introduces them to the idea of delayed gratification. Over time, they will see their savings & spendings balance out! 

Understanding Inflation

Inflation can be a complex concept for children, but it’s crucial for them to grasp its impact on savings and spending. A practical approach is to illustrate how the price of common items changes over time. For example, parents can compare the cost of a favorite snack now with what it was a few years ago.

In another scenario, parents could explain how the price of a toy increases each year due to inflation. By involving children in regular household shopping, they can witness firsthand how prices fluctuate and how inflation erodes purchasing power. This understanding will help them appreciate why saving money in a simple piggy bank isn’t enough and why investments that beat inflation are necessary.

Role of Insurance

Insurance is a safety net that protects against financial uncertainties. To explain this to children, parents can use the analogy of an umbrella. Just as an umbrella shields us from rain, insurance protects us from unexpected financial storms.

For instance, parents can discuss health insurance using the example of medical expenses. Explaining that insurance helps cover costs when someone in the family gets sick or has an accident makes the concept relatable. This discussion can be extended to other types of insurance, such as life insurance, which provides financial support to the family in case of the primary earner’s untimely demise.

Basics of Investments

Introducing children to investments can start with simple concepts like saving in a bank versus investing in a fixed deposit. Parents can explain that while saving in a bank is safe, investing money in a fixed deposit can earn more interest over time.

A real-life example could involve the purchase of a small amount of gold or a child’s education fund. Parents can show how the value of these investments can grow over time, providing financial security and helping achieve long-term goals. This practical approach helps children understand the benefits of investing wisely.

Nomination and Banking Procedures

Banking procedures can seem daunting to children, but introducing them early can demystify the process. Parents can start by taking their children to the bank and explaining the basics of how banks operate. Opening a savings account in the child’s name can be a great learning experience.

Moreover, explaining the concept of nomination is crucial. Parents can describe nomination as choosing someone who will inherit the money in case something happens to them. This is an essential part of financial planning and ensures that the family’s finances are managed smoothly.

Family Financial Vacation

Have we ever gone together as a family to a coffee shop? Have we taken our financial documents and gone on a staycation Or vacation? Try it out! The simple idea is, financial conversation needs focus. In the daily hustles, it is difficult for a family to patiently go through documents or talk about them. Hence, a conscious getaway can work wonders. You will enjoy, bond and most importantly, walk in back home with true prosperity! 

Involving children in budgeting for such financial family vacation can be icing on the cake! 

Instilling financial discipline in children is a vital component of their education. By teaching basic financial concepts like savings, inflation, insurance, investments, and banking procedures, parents equip their children with the tools to manage money effectively. Involving children in financial discussions and using practical examples from everyday life helps demystify these concepts and prepares them for future financial responsibilities. As children grow into financially literate adults, they will be better equipped to navigate the complexities of personal finance, ensuring a secure and stable financial future.

[The writer is a Financial Educator with 15-plus years of experience, a published author, a TEDx Speaker who hosts multilingual podcast shows ‘LaxmiGyaan Library’ & ‘A Sip of Finance’]

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