Good day—bad day

Kamlesh Tripathi | MARCH 02, 2025, 12:20 AM IST

All days are not the same. Life operates on the maxim of alternation.Everything is impermanent. Neither have the good days come here to stay nor arethe bad ones to make home forever—


Not all days are the same,
Life follows the rhythm of change,
Everything comes and goes,
Neither the good day nor the bad day are here to stay.


After a bad day, a good one awaits,
After a stormy night, a calm dawn,
After illness, health returns,
And after sunset, the sun rises.


Despair gives way to cheer,
Sorrow yields to joy,
Division turns to unity,
And arrogance dissolves into humility.


A rising star with wealth and fame,
Feels he rules the world,
But time swiftly shifts his place,
Teaching him the lesson of change.


Time is the face of impermanence,
Impermanence is the law of life,
Man is fragile, with nothing to hold,
And there’s no room for despair,
For after a bad day, a good one will come.


The pattern of both good and bad days,
Spans the entire course of life,
Even the terminally ill will feel it,
Before their eyes close for the final time.


Even a condemned prisoner,
Faces good and bad moments,
Before the final sentence is carried out,
He weeps at the crow’s call,
And finds hope in the skylark’s song,
Flying over his dark cell.


Change is the force,
That drives the world,
Creating balance in life,
A balance that heals.


The skies clear after the storm,
In the darkest hours, light draws near,
The weight of the world feels heavy,
But soon, the morning sun will ease the fear.


For every shadow, there’s light,
Each struggle ends, and day is won,
A bad day fades, its grip undone,
And a good one rises, shining like the sun.


So hold on through the storm,
The clouds will part, we’ll find our way,
After the rain, flowers will bloom,
In every ending, hope finds a way.


Neither good nor bad will last,
After joy… sorrow rings the bell,
And life’s eternal dance continues,
With the rhythm of change, ever true.


Neither good days will remainnor bad days will sustain. ‘After joy … sorrow’,rang out the great bell … writes Saki, In the image of the last soul

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