MLA asks Goans abroad to push for dual citizenship

LUI GODINHO | AUGUST 19, 2024, 12:25 AM IST
MLA asks Goans abroad to push for dual citizenship

(From L to R) Fr Patrick D’Souza, Mayor of Swindon Imtiyaz Shaikh, Swindon Councillor Adorabelle Shaikh, Aldona MLA Senior Advocate Carlos Alvares Ferreira, Natasha Alvares Ferreira, GGA President Simon D’Silva, Tina Costa and GGA Financial Director C

Photo Credits: Lui Godinho


Stating that dual citizenship would help the Goan diaspora aspiring to return to Goa, Aldona MLA Senior Advocate Carlos Ferreira called upon Goans abroad to push for the demand for dual citizenship which would solve many problems facing Goans abroad.

He was delivering a keynote address to a packed gathering at the first convention of the Global Goan Association (GGA) at Southall-West London on Saturday. Goans from various parts of UK attended the convention to address the possibility of getting the Government of India to grant dual citizenship.

Mayor of Swindon Imtiyaz Shaikh was the guest of honour, while GGA President Simon D’Silva, Swindon Councillor Adorabelle Shaikh, Fr Patrick D’Souza of the Asian Chaplaincy and GGA Financial Director Cajetan Fernandes were also present on the occasion.

Ferreira explained the various issues that Goans with foreign nationalities have been facing at present, which would be not be an issue if Goans were entitled to dual citizenship.

“Many Goans have left Goa for various reasons, which included lack of employment opportunities in Goa, or that they were not recognised for their talents,” said Ferreira, who served as former assistant solicitor general of India, and former advocate general of Goa.

“Those who went abroad have achieved very good careers and many are involved in local politics. A very good example is the Honourable Mayor of Swindon Imtiyaz Shaikh.”

Ferreira explained the various challenges that Goans face presently with regards to acquiring OCI cards after having acquired Portuguese passports.

Ferreira said these problems would not arise if the Government of India allowed Goans and other Indian diaspora to acquire dual citizenship.

He explained the Government of India presently does not allow for dual citizenship.

“In the past, there was an interest among the Indian diaspora for dual citizenship. A one-man commission was set up and the findings were that this could be changed. But certain issues such as taxation and security will be issues to be considered, which the Government will have to consider,” said Ferreira, who was recently conferred with the designation of senior advocate by the Bombay High Court, in recognition of his expertise as a legal professional.

“However, the Government of India started with the issue of PIO, then OCI. I feel people can now push for the demand for dual citizenship.”

“Dual citizenship will help Goans aspiring to come home,” said Ferreira.

He also mentioned about recent changes in Goa in relation to property matters, and requested Goans to be careful.

“A recent bill passed by the Goa government on abandoned property is very concerning. I request Goans not to rush to sell their property but to take interest in maintaining hold on it. Abandoning property does not arise if one is out of Goa for their services,” said Ferreira.

In his address, GGA President Simon D’Silva explained his desire to start the movement for dual nationality.

“I noticed difficulties faced by Goans during Covid-19, when the OCI was temporally suspended. Many Goans found it difficult to return to Goa. After consulting various prominent Goans, the idea to form the Global Goans Association was proposed,” said D’Silva.

“South Goa MP Capt. Viriato Fernandes is also supporting the cause. He was unable to attend this convention, but sends his best wishes for the occasion.”

“Senior Advocate Carlos Alvares Ferreira will help put forward your views and help draft a representation and give a draft of the Bill for the amendment for the Constitution and Citizenship Act,” said D’Silva.

“Changes to the Citizenship act will help the Indian diaspora who are keen to return to India and help the country.”

Others who spoke at the convention included Mayor Imtiyaz Shaikh, Swindon Councillor Adorabelle Shaikh, and Fr Patrick DSouza.,

Convention hosts included Bella Fernandes, Joyce Fernandes, Pamila Rodrigues, Tina Costa, Seema Rodrigues, Brunette Pereira, and Chris D’Costa.

After the convention, entertainment was provided by UK’s live band, ‘The Royale’ and ‘The Shades’ along with DJ Enrico and DJ Queency. Mood Setter Updesh Swar kept the crowd entertained.

A video by Sanio Fernandes projecting Goa was presented at the start of the convention.

‘Seed towards dual citizenship sown’

LONDON: Expressing happiness over the huge turnout of Goans at the first convention of the Global Goan Association (GGA) at Southall in West London, Aldona MLA Senior Advocate Carlos Ferreira said there is a belief that the seed towards dual nationality has been sown.

Speaking to The Goan after the convention in London, Ferreira said: I see a lot aspiration among Goans who have attended the programme in large numbers. There is a belief that a seed towards dual nationality has been sown and that is growing into a reality.”

“This belief will be pushed to ensure that dual citizenship becomes a reality. This will enable our people to come back into India and we can stop this flow of migration. Earlier, we used to refer to this migration as ‘brain drain’, but today it is ‘job drain’.”

“If we have these wonderful people who have achieved name and fame coming back as citizens and do something for our country, I think India will achieve several milestones.”

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