Need for voice-only recharges for market fairness

Vaman Sankhalker | DECEMBER 29, 2024, 01:36 AM IST

In a country where the pace of life varies from the bustling cities to serene rural landscapes, the universal need for mobile connectivity does not always equate to a demand for extensive data services. Many across India, especially seniors and those with simpler needs, find themselves paying for data-heavy plans they barely use. The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has taken notice, recommending the reintroduction of special recharge packs solely for voice calls and SMS.   

Addressing Market Fairness

This isn’t just about saving money; it’s about market fairness. Across India, from the elderly to those preferring the simplicity of keypad phones due to cost or preference, this move could revolutionise how we think about mobile recharges. The current system forces consumers into a one-size-fits-all mould that primarily benefits telecom giants, not the users.  

Why should someone pay for data when all they want is to make a call or send a text? It’s like buying a full meal when you’re only in the mood for an appetizer. This practice, if unchanged, continues to drain the pockets of those least able to afford it.  

Introducing Tiered Voice-Only Plans

Here’s a practical approach for telecom companies nationwide: introduce tiered voice-only plans. A basic pack could cater to local calls, perfect for those who rarely venture outside their immediate area.

For those with family spread across different regions, offer regional packs with extended call minutes. This caters to diverse needs without the burden of unused data.  

Promoting Awareness and Digital Literacy

Moreover, telecom providers could collaborate with local communities or organisations to spread awareness about these plans. This could be paired with basic digital literacy sessions, ensuring that even our elders understand these new options.  

Telecom companies might resist this shift, prioritising profits over consumer needs. However, regulation exists to protect the consumer. TRAI’s intervention is about advocating for consumer rights in a market that often overlooks the voices of the many for the profit of the few.  

Embracing Change for a Fairer Market

Let’s embrace this change across India. It’s not just about economics but about respecting and accommodating all our citizens’ needs.

Voice-only recharge packs could symbolize how society values simplicity and care for its elders and less tech-savvy members. Here’s hoping that TRAI’s recommendation becomes a reality, bringing both relief and fiscal responsibility to our phones and our lives.  

(The writer is a young faculty member at a Polytechnic School)  

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