South Goa MP assures Bhomkars to raise highway issue with Gadkari

Says he is also ready to raise issue in Parliament

The Goan Network | AUGUST 19, 2024, 12:23 AM IST

South Goa MP Viriato Fernandes taking a look at the plan of the highway road widening during his visit to Bhoma village on Sunday.

Photo Credits: Manuel Vaz


South Goa MP Viriato Fernandes has assured Bhomkars that he would raise the issue of highway road widening with the Union minister of road transport, Nitin Gadkari.

Speaking to reporters after paying visits to the Mahadev and Sateri temples, Fernandes informed that Gadkari is a person who is sensitive towards issues where temples and houses are in danger of demolition.

“So I will apprise him of the apprehensions raised by the Bhomkars and I am hopeful that he would come out with a solution to the vexed issue to save the temples, culture and houses of the people,” Fernandes added.

When questioned whether he would also raise the issue in Parliament, MP Fernandes said that issues are raised in Parliament when there is no hope.

“If Gadkari agrees to save the houses and temples then it won’t become necessary to raise the issue in Parliament. But if it doesn’t happen that way, then I will take up the issue with the Congress party and ask that the issue should be raised in the Rajya Sabha as well,” Fernandes assured.

Fernandes further said that the highway widening project is only for the purpose of coal transportation.

“If any development has to take place it cannot happen at the cost of the people. You can’t displace the people by using the public exchequer’s money. This is injustice.”

To another question, Fernandes said that he will take a delegation with him when meeting Gadkari, if needed.

GPCC president Amit Patkar, Congress leaders Orville Vales, John Nazareth, activist Swapnesh Sherlekar and a large number of villagers from Bhoma and Corlim were present.

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