Thursday 19 Sep 2024

The Holy Cross Church at Verna

The Holy Cross Church at Verna


The Church in Verna, situated in the heart of the village is dedicated to the Holy Cross, it is also called Igreja de Santa Cruz in Portuguese. The parishioners will celebrate the feast this year on September 15.


According to Oriente Conquistado, during the tenure of the Portuguese Governor of Goa, Diogo Lopes de Sequeira (1518-1522), the Portuguese entered Salcette in 1519 through Madol, a ward of Verna. Here they erected a small pandal and also an altar, celebrated Mass and then consecrated the land to God. This was the first Mass celebrated in Salcette.

There was an old Cross on the roadside which has been renovated in the course of time and on it the following words are inscribed in Portuguese – Neste alto foi Celebrada a Primeira Missa em terras de Salcette no ano de 1519, Mardol de Verna, Maio de 1959. (The first Mass was celebrated in the lands of Salcette in the year 1519, Mardol de Verna, May 1959).

According to historical records, the Jesuits constructed the first church in Verna, of mud walls and a thatched roof in 1568 and dedicated it to the Holy Cross, perhaps due to the existence of the Cross nearby.

Since then, the church has been constructed at two other sites by the Jesuits; first on a hill, then the present one about 100 paces from the earlier one, so stated Fr Francisco de Souza in Conq. I Div I No. 23. Mass was celebrated in this Church in 1612 and at this time the parish priest was Fr Manoel Correia, a Jesuit. In all, there were 34 Jesuit parish priests.

The Jesuits left Salcette and the churches were handed over to the diocese clergy. In 1759, the diocesan parish priest was Fr Antonio de Sequeira.


The Verna Church is built in the traditional manner; it has a single nave covered by a tile roof and a barrel-vaulted chapel. Its façade is similar to that of Bom Jesus Basilica in Old Goa, but it is divided into three orders. The church, like the others, has 3 doors. On the two panels of the middle door are Crosses and above them, the word ‘Church’ and below it ‘Verna’ is inscribed. The church has only one tower, which has the bell. In the church compound are the 14 Stations of the Cross and also a huge cross on a pedestal on the left side. The cemetery is on a hillock, a few metres from the church.


The middle altar is full of paintings. Above it on top is the painting of Gui Saibinn (Our Lady of Guidance), below is of the Sacred Heart, below it that of the Holy Spirit, and still below is the image of the Holy Cross. The altar to the right is dedicated to the child Jesus and the left to Guia Saibinn.

The chapels that the parish attends to are The Our Lady of Necessities Chapel at Senaulim and the Our Lady of Lume Chapel at Mongrupoim.

(The writer is Superior at Casa Professa, Basilica of Bom Jesus in Old Goa)

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