Wednesday 16 Oct 2024

The instant noodle lifestyle

Glen Fernandes | OCTOBER 13, 2024, 01:04 AM IST

In today’s world, everything revolves around quick, easy, and fast. We live in an era where the faster something happens, the better it is. We want things done as quickly as boiling water for instant noodles—whether it’s getting food, information or even results. The quicker, the better, right? Or are we just fooling ourselves into believing that faster equals happier?

The instant noodle lifestyle is basically living life on fast-forward. We expect everything to happen in minutes—fast food, fast delivery, fast results. Just like those little noodle cups, this lifestyle is all about immediate satisfaction with minimal effort. With everything available at our fingertips, we’ve become more impatient and less willing to wait. Social media, in particular, has made us crave instant validation in the form of likes and comments. We’ve been trained to expect everything now, and when life doesn’t move at our pace, we feel uncomfortable. We’ve become a generation obsessed with speed.

In our rush to get things done, we often forget to slow down and connect with others. Relationships become superficial, with conversations limited to text messages and emojis. But deep bonds take time to develop—something the instant lifestyle doesn’t give us. And when things don't go as quickly as we hope, we become uneasy, frustrated, or even stressed. It's like we're always on edge, waiting for the next thing to happen instantly. The virtue of patience, which once helped people stay calm and resilient, now seems like a forgotten art. Everything becomes about “What’s next?” instead of appreciating the present.

Let’s be honest—there are some perks to the instant lifestyle. It’s nice to get things done quickly, whether it’s replying to messages or finding information with just a click. The convenience is unbeatable! But, like eating too many noodles, it comes with side effects. So, what’s the solution? Do we have to give up the convenience of fast living altogether? Not exactly. Just like we enjoy a cup of instant noodles every now and then, it’s okay to embrace life’s quick fixes. But we also need to remember that some of the best things in life—like a home-cooked meal, a deep friendship, or mastering a new skill—can’t be rushed. Life isn’t just about the fast and easy wins. It’s about finding balance, knowing when to speed up and when to slow down, just like simmering a pot of stew to let the flavours develop.

It’s possible to slow down and enjoy life at a more relaxed pace. It might take some effort, but the rewards are worth it. The next time you feel the tremble of impatience creeping up, take a breath. Ask yourself, “Is this really the end of the world, or can I enjoy this little wait?” life’s real magic happens when we take the time to enjoy it. After all, some things just can't be microwaved!

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