Harmony in creation

Kamlesh Tripathi | JANUARY 26, 2025, 12:27 AM IST

In the 19th century, Anglo-Irish hymn writer Cecil Frances Alexander penned the immortal lines of “All Things Bright and Beautiful”, which sing of a world, created by God. Her words celebrate the beauty and intricacies of creation: “All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all...” These verses affirm a belief that all things in the world, from the smallest flower to the grandest bird, are part of a divine design. Alexander’s hymnal vision presents a loving, harmonious understanding of God’s creation.

However, the characters in ‘The Owl and the Nightingale’, a medieval poem from the 13th century, take an entirely different view of the creatures that share the Earth. The poem, attributed to Nicholas of Guildford, recounts a bitter argument between the Owl, symbolising wisdom and sobriety, and the Nightingale, representing joy and the carefree aspects of life. While both birds squabble vehemently over their respective qualities, they mock the very world they inhabit and, implicitly, the divine creator.

The Nightingale and the Owl spar over a range of issues, from their physical appearances to the virtues of their songs. The Nightingale criticizes the Owl’s unsightly form and night-time shrieks, while the Owl dismisses the Nightingale’s melodies as shallow and unimportant. As the debate intensifies, the Owl claims the higher moral ground, citing her role in protecting the Church from vermin, while the Nightingale argues that her songs inspire devotion and beauty in those who hear them. In their heated exchanges, the birds display ignorance or disregard for the harmonious interconnectedness of creation, where each creature, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, has its rightful purpose and role in the grand scheme of life.

In contrast, Alexander’s “All Things Bright and Beautiful” reminds us of the inherent worth of all creation. Each flower and each bird, no matter its appearance or role, is made by God and has its rightful place in the world. Alexander’s hymn, rooted in gratitude and awe, acknowledges that the diversity of creation is part of a larger, divine order. If only the Owl and the Nightingale could learn from this perspective—perhaps they would see beyond their petty quarrels and understand that, like each flower and bird, they too are part of a greater design.

The two birds in the poem might have much to gain from the message of “All Things Bright and Beautiful”, especially in the context of their argument about whose voice or role is more valuable. Rather than focusing on their differences, perhaps they should consider the possibility that they are both valuable in their own right. The Owl’s wisdom, despite being perceived as harsh or unnecessary by the Nightingale, serves an important function, just as the Nightingale’s song, though seemingly frivolous, provides joy and beauty to the world. As Alexander’s hymn suggests, “He made their glowing colours, He made their tiny wings”—and, by extension, the differences that the Owl and the Nightingale argue about are part of the intricate beauty of God’s creation.

Nicholas of Guildford, the wise figure whom the birds ultimately seek for judgment, is perhaps secondary to the greater truth that underlies their conflict. The poem ends inconclusively, with the birds flying off in search of Nicholas, never learning the true value of each other’s existence. The real wisdom lies in recognizing that all creatures, from the smallest to the greatest, are part of a divine and perfect design. Thus, the Owl and the Nightingale would do well to heed the wisdom found in Alexander’s hymn.

The moral of The Owl and the Nightingale, though hidden within a medieval quarrel, calls out for reconciliation in the recognition of God’s creation. In this way, Alexander’s lines offer the wisdom that the birds, in their narrow focus on self-importance, could not grasp. The hymn reminds us all: “Each little flower that opens, Each little bird that sings, He made their glowing colours, He made their tiny wings”—and thus, everything is of value in God’s eyes, whether it sings or hoots, flutters or soars.

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