As the whole world eagerly awaits for a vaccine to offer protection against the novel coronavirus, a discovery by a 14-year-old teen might show a way forward. Anika Chebrolu, an eighth-grader from Texas won the 3M Young Scientist Challenge which is regarded as the US' premier middle school science competition, for her work that could provide a potential therapy to Covid-19
Ten months into a global pandemic, everyone has the samequestions: When is the vaccine coming? Is there a cure yet?
There may be good news on both of the fronts - we'recloser to a vaccine than ever before, and a 14-year-old Indian-Americanscientist may have started the path for the discovery of a cure.
Anika Chebrolu from Texas, USA just won the 2020 3M YoungScientist Challenge, which came with a $25,000 prize.
Her invention is a discovery that could provide apotential therapy to Covid-19.
Anika's winning invention uses in-silico methodology todiscover a lead molecule that can selectively bind to the spike protein of theSARS-CoV-2 virus.
Anika had submitted her project when she was in 8th grade- but it wasn't initially focused on finding a cure for Covid-19.
The teenager decided to compete in the Young ScientistChallenge after she battled a severe influenza infection last year. She wantedto find a cure for influenza. However, all that changed after the pandemic hitearly this year. Initially, her goal was to use in-silico methods to identify alead compound that could bind to a protein of the influenza virus.
"After spending so much time researching aboutpandemics, viruses and drug discovery, it was crazy to think that I wasactually living through something like this," Anika said.
"Because of the immense severity of the Covid-19pandemic and the drastic impact it had made on the world in such a short time,I changed directions to target the SARS-CoV-2 virus," she said.
Anika added that she was inspired to find potential curesto viruses after learning about the 1918 flu pandemic and finding out how manypeople die every year in the United States despite annual vaccinations andanti-influenza drugs on the market.
The 14-year-old's inspiration and enthusiasm for sciencecomes from her grandfather, “My grandpa, when I was younger, he always used topush me toward science. He was actually a chemistry professor, and he used toalways tell me learn the periodic table of the elements and learn all thesethings about science, and over time, I just grew to love it,” she told NY Post.
Dr Cindy Moss, one of the judge for the 3M YoungScientist Challenge, said that Chebrolu has an inquisitive mind and used hercuriosity to ask questions about a vaccine for Covid-19.
“Her work was comprehensive and examined numerousdatabases. She also developed an understanding of the innovation process and isa masterful communicator. Her willingness to use her time and talent to helpmake the world a better place gives us all hope,” Moss was quoted as saying.
Chebrolu was one of the 10 finalists in this year’scompetition. In addition to an exclusive 3M Mentorship, she also bagged a prizemoney of $25,000 prize.