Tuesday 25 Mar 2025

The Goan has grown robust and more confident over the years, since its launch on 18 June 2015. We have not only won the trust of people but have emerged as a versatile and truthful news provider. The challenges before us are manifold – to keep our readers informed so that they take the right decisions, to be always objective in our approach, and above all, to be a fierce watchdog. Goa has been lately at war when it comes to development and preserving the environment, and this is where The Goan finds a crucial role to play.

Our team of seasoned reporters and correspondents provide in-depth reports and analysis on every issue that engages Goa. The Goan is well-known for its extensive local reportage from every remote part of the State, daily. Our features section covers events, people and entertainment, and the four-page magazine on Sunday includes an array of topics ranging from health, fitness, beauty to reviews on gadgets and new launches.

In an era of digital news platforms, we have redefined our boundaries giving readers the option to consume news on the go and to access it at their fingertips. Our reader-friendly and vibrant website will provide a seamless and wholesome news experience to our readers, updating them of developments at regular intervals. Also, our widely-read e-paper is now a click away and can be accessed on our website homepage.

At The Goan, we put our reader first and would love to engage with them at all times. We welcome suggestions, feedback and even constructive criticism. We thank you for reading and visiting www.thegoan.net. It will only encourage us in our pursuit of a Goa that every Goan dreams of.

- Joel Afonso