Dubai Goan girl wins prestigious Reading Torch Award

THE GOAN | SEPTEMBER 06, 2024, 11:33 PM IST
Dubai Goan girl wins prestigious Reading Torch Award

Rachel Dias receiving the Reading Torch Award from Sanjay Kumar, Secretary, Department of SE & L Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, during the Reading Torch National Conference and Awards function in Delhi on September 4.


In a remarkable achievement, a nine-year-old Goan girl based in Dubai has been honoured with the Reading Torch Award, a prestigious accolade given to those fostering a culture of reading. 

The award was presented to Rachel Jasmina Dias on September 4 by Sanjay Kumar, Secretary, Department of SE & L Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, during the Reading Torch National Conference and Awards function at the India Habitat Centre in Delhi. 

Among the dignitaries present included Dr Joseph Emmanuel (Chief Executive and Secretary of Council, Indian School Certificate Examinations), Himanshu Gupta (Secretary, Central Board of Secondary Education), Dr Sanyam Bhardwaj (Controller of Examinations, Central Board of Secondary Education), Motivational Speaker Dr Vivek Bindra (CEO, Bada Business and Ambassador), Dr Deepak Vohra (Special Advisor in Africa, Made in Bharat for the World), Dr Grace Pinto (Chairperson, Ryan Group), Lina Ashar (Founder Dreamtime Learning), Dr Murthy Devarabhotla (Global President, The Diplomatic Club), Mark Dodsworth (International Director at Actitud, Creativa, Cape Town, Event Designer and Facilitator) and Pooja Bedi (wellness entrepreneur). 

It celebrated Rachel’s achievements in front of a crowd of literary enthusiasts, educators, and her supportive family.

Rachel was recognised for her outstanding reading skills, enthusiasm for literature, and her contributions to promoting reading within her community. 

Her dedication to both personal reading and community involvement impressed the judges at the Reading Torch National Conference.

Rachel’s accomplishment has garnered praise from educators and community leaders, who commended her for her exemplary reading habits and leadership in promoting literacy.

In her acceptance speech, Rachel said, “Reading has always been a passion of mine, and it’s incredible to be recognised for it. I’m grateful for the support from my teachers and family, and I hope to inspire others to find the same joy in books that I have.”

“I’m excited to share my reading passion with others. I hope this encourages more young people to discover the joy of having books as companions.”

Rachel has demonstrated exceptional reading abilities and a strong commitment to literary pursuits. Her dedication to reading is evident in her impressive reading list and her role as Reading Ambassador in UAE. 

Rachel’s efforts to promote reading among her peers, including organising book drives and reading sessions were key factors in her selection for this honour.

“Rachel’s passion for reading was evident from an early age. She has been an avid reader since nursery and has launched a ‘Books for All’ project through her Rachel Foundation to donate books to organisations that promote love for reading,” said Rachel’s mother, Remediana (Remy) Rodrigues.

“So far, she has donated hundreds of books to M-Kids Organisation in Mauritius, Saigon Children Charity in Vietnam and the Diocesan Society of Education in Goa.” 

Rachel has also written her own book ‘Rose Never Gives Up’ which is published by Bribooks.

Added Rachel’s father, Terrence: “Rachel’s success underscores the importance of fostering a love for literature and the impact it can have on students’ lives. Rachel’s achievement highlights the importance of nurturing reading habits and the impact that dedicated young readers can have.”

Incidentally, Rachel and her twin brother, Troy, are award-winning swimmers who hail from Margao and presently studying in a British school in Dubai.

Their father, Terrence, played cricket for Goa, while their mother, Remy, was a former teacher at Manovikas School in Margao.